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Instructors facilitate learning inside the classroom and NSC also offers many learning assistance opportunities outside the classroom. In this segment, we will discuss tutoring, learning styles and other important topics to help you succeed as a student at NSC.

Our librarians help you take full advantage of library resources. They also offer for-credit classes in information literacy for students who want to learn how to research and find information to support their classroom work.

Interlibrary loan service (ILL) is available to borrow books and materials from other libraries. Additionally, all regularly circulating library materials are available for check out among the three libraries and media centers of the Seattle Colleges.

  • Library and Media Services offers:
  • a wide range of books, eBooks, journals, magazines, DVDs, videos, and CDs.
  • digital cameras and digital voice recorders for checkout.
  • computer workstations with access to the online library catalog, the Internet, data bases, magazines, e-Journals, journals, newspapers,  encyclopedias and more.
  • copy machines.
  • printers. The library is one of the places on campus where you can print out your papers.
  • listening/viewing cubicles, individual study carrels and group study room.
  • Media equipment available includes:
  • VCRs, TVs.
  • DVD and CD players.
  • sound systems.
  • video cameras.
  • computers with data projectors and document cameras.

Student Media Center (SMC) is part of North Seattle College Library services and funded by the Student Leadership. We provide students with access to media production resources, assistance, and instruction enabling them to incorporate audiovisual and print media into their course assignments, presentations, college activities, student clubs, and academic portfolios. The SMC offers multimedia equipment and resources for in-house use or for seven-day checkout. We also work collaboratively with faculty and staff, to focus on, how SMC can help students to meet their needs and to advance student success. The SMC is located on the upper floor of the Library. Please drop-in for assistance.

The Student Learning Center provides free tutoring for all subject areas and includes e-tutoring, workshops, study groups, and evening and weekend hours.  All students are encouraged to utilize this valuable resource and to access tutoring at the beginning of each quarter; don’t wait until you are too far behind to get help!

A person’s learning style is the way in which she/he perceives and processes information. There’s no good or bad style, and no right or wrong way to learn. However, understanding your own learning style can help you to develop learning strategies that maximize learning potential. This can make a great deal of difference in the time and effort you put into studying and in your performance on tests and quizzes.

North instructors love students and make their teaching a priority. Instructors encourage students to go above and beyond just attending class. Here are a few tips for working with your instructors:

  • Review your syllabus. On the first day of each class, you will receive a syllabus, which is basically a roadmap of the class that includes instructor information and expectations, course readings and assignments, and how assignments will be graded and when they are due.
  • Ask questions. Instructors would always rather hear from a student with a question than find out the student didn’t understand the course material. Most instructors are available and want to answer your questions either during class, on the phone or via e-mail.
  • Locate the information on the course syllabus for how to contact your instructor outside of class hours. If they have office hours, locate the office and plan to visit during that time. Full time instructors generally keep specific office hours, and it is important to visit them in person during those hours. In online classes, you might also be able to “meet” with your instructor via online interaction, such as a virtual chat.
  • Participate in class. This is so important for your success! Participating in class allows you to get to know your instructor and other students, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the course material.

Good note-taking can make a marked difference in academic performance. When something is written down, it is committed to memory more effectively than when it is heard only. Therefore, students who take notes generally have a higher rate of knowledge retention than those who don’t.

Think of it this way: If you don’t take any notes, the textbook is the only resource available to study when preparing for a test. However, if you take good notes, you have both the textbook and a detailed study guide that is customized to your own learning needs.

  • Tips on Taking Notes:
  • Participate in class discussions. This keeps you alert, which translates into better listening and note-taking.
  • Don’t write down everything. Record important points in a way that makes sense to you and then add supporting details.
  • To record information faster, use abbreviations. However, make sure to use notations that can be understood when rereading them.
  • Be sure to ask questions about concepts that are not clear and take notes on the answers. This will make notes more effective as study aids.
  • Take notes while reading. This will improve knowledge retention and make it easier to study important points later

Managing your time wisely is an important key to being a successful college student. In general, it is recommended that students study at least 2 hours for every hour spent in class. This means that if you are taking 15 credits, which is a typical full-time course load, the total hours spent on school should be approximately 45 hours per week. Trying to balance school with other commitments, such as family and work, can be challenging, and it is important to consider the appropriate balance for you while in school. It is a good idea to start with fewer credits and, if you do well, add more credits in subsequent quarters.

Grades & GPA

NSC uses a numerical (decimal) system to calculate a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA).

Many colleges use letter grades, rather than numerical grades. Here’s how numerical grades may be considered equivalent to letter grades.

Letter Grade   Numeric Grade          

A                      4.0 - 3.9        

A –                   3.8 - 3.5         

B +                    3.4 - 3.2        

B                       3.1 - 2.9        

B –                    2.8 - 2.5

C                      2.1 - 1.9

C –                   1.8 - 1.5

D +                   1.4 - 1.2

                     1.1 - 0.9

D –                    0.8 - 0.7

Many programs and individual course sequences require a minimum grade in order to pursue additional courses or studies. Consult with an advisor about the specific requirements for your courses, program or transfer major.

Refer to the link at the bottom of the page is see how your NSC GPA is calculated.

Non‑traditional Grading Options

The following letter grade options are not universally accepted by other institutions and could jeopardize the transferability of courses and financial aid status. International students need to talk with International Programs before asking for non-traditional grades, as these grades may affect immigration status. Each of these grading options has important deadlines. In order to use one of these options, you must adhere to the deadlines, which can be found in the Academic Calendar on the NSC Web site.

Learn more about non-traditional grading options below:

I — Incomplete

Indicates that the student performed at a passing level, completed most of the course requirements, and intends to make up the missing work. An Incomplete is given only at the discretion of the instructor when the student has attended regularly, done satisfactory work, and furnished satisfactory proof to the instructor that the work cannot be completed because of illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Coursework must be completed during the following quarter, excluding Summer Quarter. If the student fails to remove the “I” by completing the coursework in the specified time period, the “I” will remain on the transcript. The instructor must file a written statement of reasons for giving the Incomplete, listing a description of the work which the student will need to do to remove it, with the dean of the division in which the course is offered. If the student elects to repeat a course rather than make up the work, the “I” will remain on the transcript. The grade earned will compute in the GPA; after receiving an “I” in a course, a student may repeat that course only once.

S — Satisfactory With Credit

This grade option is used for individual progress, clinical and skill development courses. This symbol is not used for college transfer courses numbered 100 and above, except designated pass/fail courses as approved by the Office of Instruction.

N — Audit

To audit a course means to register for and attend class without receiving a grade or credit. An “N”, rather than credit, is recorded on the transcript. Students must officially register to audit a course. Registration for an “N” may be made until the end of the second week of the quarter without the instructor’s signature or the end of the eighth week (sixth week of summer quarter) with the instructor’s approval and signature.

Students are responsible for consulting with the instructor regarding class requirements. After an “N” is issued, the course may be repeated no more than one time. If the instructor’s requirements for an “N” are not satisfied by the student during the course, the instructor may issue an “NC” (No Credit) symbol.

Students changing their status from audit to credit or credit to audit must make official changes within specific deadlines.

NC — No Credit

Indicates that the student did not fulfill the requirements for receiving an “S” grade, an “N” grade or a numerical grade in the course. A student in good standing may request an “NC” symbol from the instructor prior to the final examination, granted at the instructor’s discretion. After an “NC” is issued, the course may be repeated no more than one time. An “NC” does not affect a student’s GPA.

W — Official Withdrawal

This grade will be recorded and will remain permanently on the student’s transcript.

Y — Ongoing Course

Used for a course that is two or more quarters in length. The final grade for the course will be reported at the last quarter.

Where to Find Your Grades

You can look up your grades online via Online Services. NSC does not mail grades.

Preparation for graduation actually begins with the first course taken at NSC. But degrees and certificates are not automatically awarded when you complete your program requirements. You need to meet with an academic advisor at least two quarters prior to your final quarter. Then you can apply for graduation as soon as you have registered for the last courses needed to complete your degree or certificate – no later than three weeks before the start of the final quarter.

Commencement is the annual ceremony held at the end of spring quarter in June to honor students who have completed a degree or certificate program at NSC in the past academic year. We encourage all graduating students to participate in commencement to celebrate your accomplishments at NSC.


As you can tell, there are a lot of resources available to help you be successful and meet your goals. I know they helped me a lot as a student, and I would definitely recommend that you take advantage of them too!